In the first year of life wonderful and exciting things happen. The baby usually triples birth weight; moves from being totally dependent to crawling or walking. Well before they use spoken language, infants let us know how they feel and what they mean.
They are able to communicate and to understand language, and by six months they know their name.
Brains are wired for language, and children of all countries acquire language on the same general schedule.
Children develop language skills at an astounding rate. Amazingly, these skills begin to develop in the newborn/infant, and rapidly progress in the first few years of life.
A child of one month can respond to voices, at three months can coo in response to pleasant sounds, and at four months can turn to find the sound source in a room. He will use pointing and reaching to indicate needs, use facial expressions to show happiness, defiance, and confusion, and he will imitate and emulate his parent’s actions/speech patterns. As he continues to grow his ability to communicate through sound, writing, vocabulary and expression mature.
Understanding this development allows the staff of Smarty Pants Pre-School to utilize our custom curriculum that maximizes experiences fostering strong language and communications skills. Listed are some of the experiences your children can expect but are not limited:
- Basic Spanish
- Color recognition
- animal /object recognition
- Letter recognition
- Phonological awareness of letters
- Recognition of first and last name
- Peer recognition
- Ability to write first and last name
- Ability to write letters
- Interest in books
- Completion of preprimary and primer Dolce sight words
- Understanding sentences
- My Baby Can Read